Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Macro using the LX3

Originally uploaded by Lye Hock.

Macro shots using the Panasonic Lumix LX3 are really sharp. Probably due to the pseudo Leica Summicron lens. It's the camera of choice these days for social events.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Najib & Suhaina

Originally uploaded by Lye Hock.

Najib is a former colleague of Pakistani descent. First time at such a wedding with the family and guests dressed to the nines in their traditional finery.

Shot with the Nikkor AFS 50mm/f1.4 which is said to be tack sharp wide open. This was stopped down to f/5.6 for better DOF.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

High ISO performance

Originally uploaded by Lye Hock.

At the Give Hope Give Life Charity Concert.

I'm constantly amazed at the D700's awesome high ISO performance. This was at 6400. Although at 100% crop the noise creeps in, it is highly usable at web level.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Wedding Photography

Originally uploaded by Lye Hock.

Anyone with a DSLR is a wedding photographer these days. Tough times for the pros trying to make a living.

Taken with a Nikon D90 & the 16-85mm. Congrats to the radiant couple!